
Responsible for the content according to § 5 TMG: Michael Nagy

c/o KünstlerSekretariat am Gasteig
Elisabeth Ehlers – Lothar Schacke – Verena Vetter oHG
Montgelasstraße 2
D-81679 München

Phone: +49 89 44488790
Fax: +49 89 4489522


Images Gallery: © see images on the page
Background Images: © Michael Nagy, © Erik Berg, © Gisela Schenker

Liability note

The contents of Michael Nagy’s website have been compiled with great care. Nevertheless, Michael Nagy cannot guarantee the correctness and precision of all the information therein. All statements represent the latest state of information at the time of publication. No liability for the latest state, correctness or completeness of the data can be assumed. This applies likewise to all the other websites indicated by hyperlinks.

All rights reserved. All contents, copy, pictures, graphs, audio and video files on Michael Nagy’s website are protected by copyright and other protective legislation. The content of the websites may not be copied, distributed, changed or made available to third parties for commercial purposes. Some of the contents are further protected by copyrights granted to third parties.

Concept & Design

Sophia Stolz Grafikdesign,


Nicole Pesina | Webdesign & Development,

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