
About Michael

Both, the passion and the fulfillment that come along with music is nothing less than astonishing. When Victor Hugo writes about the utterance of the unspeakable, then this applies to every musical experience, exercising as well as listening. And it applies in a similar way to earthly experiences.

To be close to a horse or to fly an aircraft – to view the world from a different perspective – are two things in my life that also effect my music making, my singing, and thereby puts the art in a different context, giving real meaning to what is being talked about, discussed, being idealized in the arts.

“Music expresses what cannot be pronounced, yet what is impossible to be silent about.”
Victor Hugo, Essay (1864): William Shakespeare

To fly a plane, preoccupation with physical principles, flight planning and the concentration on course, altitude, aircraft performance and radio traffic, seems to appear as reaching for the stars. Yet the sensation of freedom, motion and a bit adventure consistently quickens this passion. Soon, hopefully, even according to Instrument Flight Rules and Multi Engine-rated in order to not let merely weather determine a flight

Horses, these suave, mild creatures standing on the ground with their four feet, teach us impartial intuition, undisguised instinct and show us the unconditional importance and appreciation of each very moment.
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